BiosafetyISTR is uniquely placed to represent and cater for the biosafety professional due to the wide ranging expertise of our members. We offer the following: Biosafety AccreditationISTR established standards of competency for biosafety practitioners and accredits courses in biosafety practice at Level 1 (Foundation) and Level 2 (Professional). Please see the Register of currently accredited Biosafety Professionals Biosafety Steering GroupRepresenting the interests of UK biosafety nationally and internationally on behalf of ISTR. Regional Groups and MeetingsThese are three regional groups, North, South and South West, Wales & Midlands. Each group meet locally twice a year. For further information about regional groups, please contact your regional representative. Specialist Guidance DocumentsWe work with the Health and Safety Executive and the wider UK Biosafety community to produce specialist guidance documents. Connections to the wider biosafety community through our Partnership Agreement with EBSA (European Biological Safety Association) |