‘50 years of HASAWA: What's that ever done for me?’
Wednesday 20th - Thursday 21st November 2024
To recognise the 50th Anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 this year's symposium theme focuses on selected sections of the Act. Our Speakers from higher education, private and public sectors will explore their continued relevance in our workplaces today.

Bringing members and guests together in Sheffield we meet at the Kelham Island Museum which is currently celebrating 300 years of industry in the city. It is home to the River Don Engine, the most powerful working steam engine in Europe.
Sheffield is famous for its manufacturing heritage pre-dating the HASAWA by at least 250 years. Our speakers will focus on Sections 2, 4, 5, 7, 13 and 15 of the Act.
In keeping with the industrial location of the Symposium we will host a drinks reception and Symposium Dinner on the first evening in the unique and historical building The Mowbray built in 1889.
Provisional Programme (updated 05/11/2024)

Symposium Venue: Kelham Island Museum, Alma St, Sheffield, S3 8RY
Drinks reception and Symposium Dinner: The Mowbray, 118 Mowbray St, Neepsend, Sheffield, S8 8EN
Tickets: The Symposium ticket includes attendance at the 2-day symposium with lunch and refreshments during the symposium on both days.
Members can purchase an inclusive ticket to attend the 2-day Symposium, plus the Drinks Reception and Symposium Dinner at a preferential rate or attend the 2-day Symposium only.
Non-members are also welcome and can purchase an inclusive ticket to attend the 2-day Symposium, Drinks Reception and Symposium Dinner or attend the 2-day Symposium only,
Tickets are available for delegates who wish to bring a guest to the Drinks reception and Symposium Dinner.
Payment options: Online payment by card is the preferred payment method. Purchase orders are accepted but please remember to select this option when booking and upload a copy of your purchase order at the time of booking to secure your place and avoid disappointment.
Accommodation: Is NOT INCLUDED in the ticket price. Delegates are advised to make their own accommodation arrangements directly at one of the many venues available in the area. See Welcome to Sheffield.co.uk: accommodation for accommodation in the area.
Final details and refunds: Bookings close on Wednesday 23 October (Much earlier than usual!) to meet the catering requirements of both venues. Refunds for cancellations or non-attendance cannot be made after this date. If a delegate cannot attend, a colleague may take their place. Contact istr-eventssecretary@istr.org.uk to discuss. Any refund will be subject to a £25 administration charge.
For travel to the Kelham Island museum and parking arrangements visit https://www.sheffieldmuseums.org.uk/visit-us/kelham-island-museum/plan-your-visit/
Directions to The Mowbray can be found at https://themowbray.co.uk/enquiries